So here we are - this Transformation Dietbet is coming to and end.  I Know this is the time I need to commit to the next six months towards reaching my goals of "Health, Well-Being and Vitality".

This will mean I will be committing to getting down to 154 pounds - for the first time in 20 years.  This is scary to me for some reason that I can't wrap my head around.  I know I will be healthier and it will tremendously help my joints.  I found out last month that I have a "mild case of degenerative arthritis of the knee".  However I was able to curb the pain by whole body vibration and exercise.  So I know getting rid of this extra 15 pounds and further strengthening the muscles around my knees will be extremely beneficial.

Why am I still so scared to commit to this???  Silence the demons and "Just Do It"!

I am going to kick my ass out of my comfort zone and sign up for the April 26th Transformer today.

I sincerely hope some of my friends will continue this journey with me.

Kindst regards and sincere best wishes XOXOXOXOX
