Why am I doing this? Let me tell you...

My husband is in the Navy, and right before he left, we went on a streak of high fat, high sugar, processed foods, and I regained everything I worked hard to lose the months before that. What took me almost a year to lose and keep off took me only 2 months to put back on. I decided to get it all back off before he came home from deployment,. 

So, on June 12, I began to diet and try to get some exercising in, but my focus was mainly on trying to not eat all of the easy junk food I had been eating in April and May, so I just cut those out. The beginning weight came off fairly quickly, and I had lost 10 of the 30# I had gained by the beginning of August. The past 4 weeks though I have not been very consistent with my workouts, and I have been getting lazy with my food again, and sugary, processed stuff is starting to creep back in, and I have been stuck between 172-175 for the past 3 weeks. 

I decided to bet on myself, and use the September 2 mile a day challenge to get some extra miles in-they just might make the difference and get the scale going again! Plus, now there is money at stake that I don't want to lose! Especially since there is the upside of earning more than I put in if I succeed! 

Thus, we begin! Bring on the veggies, and pass me my sneakers! :-D