Lately I've realized I have a hard time seeing the big changes in myself. Every time a photo of me is posted on social media my immediate reaction is to cringe. I see the same person 43 pounds ago. I literally have to zoom in on my pictures and say to myself, "see Emily? That is your neck, not your chin." I'm officially the lightest I've been in 9 years and more toned than I ever was in college. I fit into ever piece of clothing I still own. Today I went out and bought a pair of size 12 skinny jeans because I missed trying something on in my closest that didn't fit. I need that motivation again. Problem is they actually zip because they are the Target stretchy ones but super tight. They were on clearance so I grabbed them.
I feel like I need to do something drastic. I need to become a new person to quit comparing myself to the old Emily. I need to do the most basic bitch thing I can do and change my hair, like a Starbucks psl drinking, ugg wearing twenty something fresh out of a break up. I've had the same blond hair for over 10 years. I keep thinking of trying a darker shade, not DARK but something in the brown family. Not this summer. I don't want it to get bleached out and if it comes out bad I don't want me vacation pictures to look weird. But this fall I MIGHT do something crazy, for me.