I eat when I'm bored, and I eat junk when I'm stressed or tired. I figured the end of the summer (i.e. after labour day) is a great time to cut out the sugar from my diet and try to eat even healthier!
I decided to do a sugar detox. Seems pretty simple, and it'll force me to plan my meals well.
Days 1-5 - Log food, mood, and triggers (already been doing that).
Day 6-11 - Cut all forms of sugar from your diet (including fruit, whole or processed grains, juice, sweet potatoes, beets, etc). I'm assuming this means carrots and milk as well, but I will still enjoy plain yogurt.
Day 12-18 - Add three servings of whole, fresh fruit back each day.
Day 19-25 - Add back one serving of whole grains, and one serving of natural sugars (i.e. honey, maple syrup, dried fruit).
Day 26-32 - Introduce one sweet treat (100-150 calories,
Day 33 - Continue, trying to aim for less that 24g of added sugar a day.
Wish me luck. I'll post on how days 6-11 go!