Hey everyone,


Soo, way back when-- approximately 2 years ago-- I took a stab at this DietBet thing. But I think that I didn't really know what I was signing up for. The weeks leading up to the round one weigh-in were poorly managed and I was just kinda crossing my fingers, hoping that the challenge would magically make me meet my goal. 6 months of email reminders, one holiday season, and $125 later and I was still in the same shape as I started. In fact, I didn't really make any serious kinds of efforts to manage my weight until 18 months later when I got a Fitbit and started competing against my sister to see who would reign as queen of the challenges.


The motivation stuck around for a few months, but I hadn't really lost any signifigant amount of weight and didn't necessarily care that I could walk 10k steps in a day. I mean, what did it matter at the time? Then, early this summer, something changed. I'd like to say that that something was me, but no, it was my boyfriend rediscovering his passion for professional wrestling. In June, he decided to check out a local wrestling gym and the very next day, he hopped out of bed and proclaimed "We're going running!". And so we did, or er tried.


Now as some of you may know, changing your habits while living with someone who ia not going through a similar change is damn near torture BUT I seized this for the opportunity it was and signed up for Weght Watchers again (again, again...) as soon as I could. NOW, I had total say over what we ate, what we didn't eat, and how much of it was packed into meal prepped tupperwares.


Now, that was June. During the month, I really focused on what I was eating, but I felt like my gym time was moot. I mean, I would still lose weight even if I wasn't killing myself at the gym, so I wanted to try something different, something I've always heard about, but was too scared to commit to: WEIGHTS. Weight lifiting, I've found, is the best physical fitness activity that I've ever tried. Never before have I been able to see and feel such results while not reallyt losing weight at the same time. To clarify, I've gained MUSCLE MASS :D!!! Of course my weight is important to me, especially now that I'm in a DB, but it has been so refreshing to notice that my body and energy levels are changing with something that I had avoided for so long!


One of the only things im pretty concerned about is the famished feeling I get after workouts. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?