I'm pretty anxious about closing out round one.  I feel that the past 3 weeks have been a very casual approach to weight loss and I haven't had the types of results that I've had in the past--but that's okay.  There are also different factors that have come into play this time like cohabitating with someone who is not necessarily trying to lose weight, subconsciously cutting out all of my productive activity opportunities (like not getting off the train one stop early) and I was still in school.  I think I will be able to meet round one's goal, but will have to put some hustle in this plan if I expect to win all 6 rounds.


To prepare for this week, I've cooked a few meals ahead for breakfast and lunch to make sure that wednesday's weigh-in goes as smoothly as possible.  I am also *planning*on volunteering to walk the dog more often, but we'll see how that pans out.  Whatever happens, something has to change.  I tried doing Zumba, and MOSSA Groove today and didn't make it past 20 minues in either of them. They're usually my go-to at home workouts because the music is good, but the moves had me winded so quickly I decided to play music from my own play lists and cook/clean. 

Do you have any suggestions for productive activity inside or outside of your house?