I have 5 weeks to go before we leave for 2 1/2 months in Mexico to our ALL INCLUSIVE resort.  Each year when we go I gain at least 10 lbs and it takes me all year to lose it again.  Well, this year I didn't manage to lose it all.  Really only about 3-4 lbs.  So I am not wanting to put another 10lbs on this already overweight body.  The challange for me has been my age I think.  I am 67 only 5'2" and already carry about 25-30 lbs too much.  I feel we eat very healthy and I definately exercise a lot.  Yesterday was yoga, today was swimming (water aerobics), tomorrow is yoga and Sunday I am in half-marathon clinic for training for a 1/2 on Oct.23 (walking/jog a bit).  And add to that I hit the gym a couple of times a week.  You say what is keeping the weight on????  Don't ask me.  I think I will have to reassess my food intake.  Probably can cut down the portions and stop with the wine!

So over the next 4 weeks I intend to blog, eat less and exercise more if that is possible along with a lot of work to do before we leave.

Good luck!