The night before the challenge!


10/17/2016 8:00PM
Good luck. Every day is a struggle. Seriously I know. You can do it. I'm hope your boyfriend will be supportive.partbof my problem is that mine isn't. He will buy junk when I start a diet He also says he doesn't care about my weight, but I do. . It's not his fault if I eat it but I can't eat what isn't there!!

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Thank you both!! I have my game face on!

Reiner Jo

Girls you let the boyfriends eat the bad stuff... and just smile every bite they take.... I used to put a candy dish on my desk and NEVER eat any of it... just to prove I had all the willpower!!! (only to myself, cuz no one knew I wasn't ever eating any of it) ha ha

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Weight lost

-11.8 lbs



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