So I didn't write yesterday because I was up late... watching the Cubs win the World Series!!!! What a game, so happy for my home team :)

Yesterday I went to the gym with some prompting from L and actually got in a pretty good strength training workout.  I think I may have overdone it a bit with my negatives cause my arms were pretty sore this morning, but felt pretty strong overall. 

Yesterday I unfortunately went over my goal by 200 calories because I ordered a veggie burger and fries while watching the game.  As long as my average for the week is under though, I think I'll be okay. 

Today I went to tabata class again and we had a really tough workout with lots of cardio... L and I were sweating up a storm! Then to make up for lost sleep I ended up taking a 3 hr nap after class... not the most productive afternoon lol.

Today I was under my calorie limit even though I had a "cheat meal" of pasta for dinner.  I also made some healthy banana bread mini muffins cause I felt like baking, they turned out to be <50 calories per muffin! I plan to eat one with yogurt for breakfast tomorrow. 

For now, I have to shower and hopefully I can get some sleep tonight in spite of my mega nap today.