Started August 11th at 288.2 lbs and as of September 2nd I'm at 278.2 lbs (-10 lbs in 3 weeks) with 1 week to go in Round 1 of a DB10 and 2 DB4s. Got to goal in the DB10 for the round and still have 1.5 to go in the DB4s. Planning on joining another DB10 and 3 DB4s when the current ones are done (assuming I win the DB4s). Nothing like commiting money over multiple bets long term to get me to focus, especially with the holidays coming soon.
Anyway, the goal for September is to get under 270 lbs. Specifically shooting for 267 lbs (-11.2 lbs) as that's probably what I'll need to reach to be well on my way to ensure keeping pace to win the current bets as well the future bets. As long as I can get under 270 lbs though, I'll be very happy.