This dietbet has really given me a kick in the butt about getting excited again to excercise. I know exercise is good for you and is supposed to provide stress relief, but to be honest most of the time I just don't want to make the time to do it. I'll be like I really need to clean my house, I need to do yard work, I should be grocery shopping, meal prepping, I've had a long day at work and am tired and the list can go on and on and on. I just have to make myself do it. Just like with my eating, I have to make my exercise a priority. This dietbet has made me evaluate what I've been doing since having my excess skin removal surgery. Do I still experience side effects and serious swelling from my surgery 3 months later....... Y-E-S!!!!!!!! However, It's time I stop making excuses and start making it a priority. I AM WORTH IT. It's important that we remind ourselves of this. I constantly have to tell myself that I deserve as much effort as I put into other people. I need to treat MYSELF as well as I do my family and friends. So here's to an awesome dietbet and a wonderful new group of friends to help support me on my journey. I can't wait to support all of you as well!!! If you ever have ANY QUESTIONS please feel free to ask. I have been an open book from day one of my journey because I want to help and inspire others ( just like so many have helped and inspired me a long the way). xoxo- Maranda