So this morning I woke up to no power and a freezing house. Needless to say without any electricity, I didnt get my pictures taken early like I wanted and also had to cancel my Christmas party. Well, now that my power is back on, my pictures have been taken, submitted and verified, I can breathe a sigh of relief. I knew this was going to be a tough month with all the treats my patients bring in and all the parties and celebrations going on. I have given in to temptation more than I'd like to admit and havent stuck to my workouts like I should have. Somehow I managed to still lose the weight but I'm a little concerned that I'm not seeing as much of a change in my progress photos as I'd like. My fear is that I could be losing muscle which I definitely do not want. So I'm going to change up my workouts and concentrate more on weights and less on cardio. Also, plan to drink more water and less coffee/soda. More meal prepping and less eating out with an occasional cheat meal instead of a cheat day or (God forbid) cheat weekend. Also, I've been really bad about getting on here to update and weigh in this month. Hoping to change that as well.
Posted on December 18, 2016
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