So, my goal in 2017 is to be in the shape of my life by my birthday, June 21. My husband has planned a huge party for my 40th and there's a dress that's been hanging in my closet for an age (a size six) that at one time actually fit me, but I never wore it so it still has the tags. I want to be able to wear that dress for my birthday.
My history: I'm a yo-yo dieter. And while most people yo-yo five to 10 pounds, I'm one of those who yo-yos 30-40. In May, I had made it to my goal weight of 150. It wasn't my ultimate goal weight (that's 135), but it got me into a healthy BMI range. Back then, I was doing Weight Watchers, and even worked for them for about a month, but I slipped and slipped far. This time, with money on the line, I expect to do better and actually MAINTAIN a healthy weight, because the older I get, the more I realize this is about HEALTH and not just looking good (although that's a nice bonus).
Here's to a better 2017, and to maintenance after I make it to my goal weight--something I know I can do.