

I am at a BMI of 29.1 - overweight.

My clothes are tight and my stomach is constantly bloated.

I eat anything I want, as much as I want, and drink a few days a week. 

I hit the gym maybe 2 days a week for 45, without strength training.

My self-esteem, sex drive, and confidence is low.

I sneak cigarettes so my husband doesn't know.

My stomach hurts after I eat anything.

I'm lazy. 


Where I want to be:


At a healthy BMI. No longer overweight.

I want to fit into size 8ish - my stomach doesn't stick out anymore.

I can wear anything with confidence. 

I go to the gym almost everyday and incorporate strength training. 

My sex drive, confidence, and self-esteem are high.

I am free of cigarettes and drink responsibily once a week. 

I eat whole foods in moderation that nourish me. 

I'm active.