I have gained 25 pounds since college/meeting my husband.

The pounds crept up so slowly that I didn't realize what was happening. My lifestyle changed and my habits became unhealthy. I worked in a busy bar for a few years, and the late nights led to eating out nearly every day and visiting bars after work. I stopped running daily and began smoking pot... which led to more eating... which led to a general lazy demeanor. 

My body type is curvy. I'm not looking to get skinny - that's just not going to happen unless I get organ reduction and bone shaving. What I want is to be strong and lose the fat. 


How will I get there?

1. Stay within my calorie goal. This means portion control.

2. Say no to casual drinking and smoking cigarettes. 

3. Reach my 10,000 step goal daily.

4. Drink as much water as possible.

5. Work out every day of the challenge.


My struggles: 

1. Overeating. Just because my 6'3 husband has multiple servings does not mean I need to. 

2. Diet. Cut the processed crap and cook meals with real food.

3. Laziness. It's much easier to watch TV than hit the gym after a hard day's work.

4. Staying motivated! 


How many times I have failed to lose weight and become discouraged is too many to count. 

I'm tired of focusing on failure and want to focus on success. I want to be proud of myself.

One day at a time.