Getting real here and posting a photo of myself. This is me in 2012 - a few months before moving cross-country and massively shaking up my life. I didn't realize that a cross-country move would have such an effect on me physically.
It took me years to find a new gym routine in my new city, and socailly, we started eating and drinking out a LOT more than we used to. I've grown up in a lot of ways - I've learned how to cook and eat clean, I've learned to lsiten to my body.
But, I'm also trying to remember the person in this photo.
Honestly, at the time I moved, my doctor had actually warned me to stop losing weight - I think I was about 115 pounds in this photo (and that included muscle mass). I'm about 20 pounds over that now, and I know that doesn't sound like much. But I've forgotten what it feels like to shop for new clothes and feel good about wearing them! I took this photo because I loved my outfit that day. I don't even remember the last time that happend! (FYI: 115 is not my goal weight - My real goal is somewhere between 120 and 125, which I think I can realistically maintain.My Transformers goal weight is 127.)
I'm certainly not saying all I want is to get back to that person/that weight. SO much has happened in the last 5 years - I've changed careers, gotten married, gone back to school, made wonderful new friends, learned to cook! etc. etc. But as I continue with this fitness/health journey, I'm remembering how great it feels when you're proud of your body and the work you've put in to it! Also... that was a really cute skirt and I miss it ;)