My name is Christina, and I'm hosting a dietbet! I've done 2 kickstarters now, and I am a little sad at the amount that I'm winning. I mean it's great because that means lots of people have made their goal. I am so happy for all the winners, and I love the support everyone is giving each other even though the more that win the less you win.
My struggle with losing weight is all in my head. I constantly have to fight my own thoughts on why it's a good idea to not eat that second helping or sneak that little handful of chocolate chips. So I thought maybe there are others that have this trouble too. My sister and I were talking about what was going on in my and she had worded my struggles so perfectly. "If you can't be perfect, why bother at all?" this is my struggle. I see so many strong and beautiful women, and I know I don't know their history, or anything about them, but they look amazing, and I want to look like them. But I feel since after having 5 kids I don't feel like I could ever be there. The length of time that it will take to get anywhere even close to that is a long long time.
But that's the point isn't it? I had my first baby 10 yrs ago, 10 yrs of up and down weight gain and weight loss and gained quiet a bit after my last baby. But enough is enough, and it's time to take control of my health to be a good steward of the body that God has given me, to be a role model for my kids to show them how important it is. You only have this one body, you need to take care of it if you want it to last for 80+ years without too much trouble. So mind over matter, we will become healthy people!