I just spent two weeks at my sister's running after her kidlets. I thought the diet part would be a breeze. My sister is pretty health conscious and has very few temptations in her house. I was more worried about exercise.

I have to say, I started off strong. It lasted 2 days. So yes, I could have done better. I am happy with my choices on travel days. Sure, I treated myself to some iced coffee drinks - but paired it with healthy snacks. 

So, I'm home now. The scale has me up a bit, but not as much as I anticipated. I'm working on getting back into my real life routine, and sprinkling it with some magical motivation dust. I've reviewed old goals and created new ones. 

April WILL be the month I get to 100 lbs lost. Hmm, I wonder if I can get there before April the Giraffe has her baby? The pressure is on!