I've hit day five of my sugar detox (or day 10 of the plan I outlined), and it was a rough one. I think it's a combination of lack of sleep, and how busy this week has been but I'm feeling dog tired. I put a picture of my dog to the left to demonstrate the degree of my exhaustion. His name is Bizmark, and he's my running buddy.
As for how day five unfolded, cravings weren't actually too bad. I wouldn't have minded some crackers or something, but I know it's because I'm stressed, something I've identified as one of my triggers. Instead, I'm coping with a post dinner pear ginger green tea, and it seems to be doing the trick.
Once again, I started my day with my cheddar cheese omlette, but since I started work an hour later than normal I took the time to saute some onions, peppers and actually dice the spinach to put IN the omlette as opposed to on top. I also used some spices to kick up the already delicious meal. I've reverted to drinking my coffee with milk. I prefer the flavour, and it's only a small amount. (8:00 am)
I was actually hungry this morning when it came time for my morning break. I had a snack of broccoli, cauliflower and celery with Laughing Cow cheese and almond butter. (11:20 am)
Lunch was Noah Martin summer sausage (which is to die for), and a string cheese. (1:30 pm).
I didn't pack anything for an afternoon snack, because I'm usually home by 5 pm, so I was starving when I got out of work at 6:30. Dinner was dijon pork tenderloin (usually served with rosmary brandied apples), green beans and a spinach salad topped with home made basil vinegrette.
Of the 1300 calories I ate today:
Fat: 54%
Protein: 32%
Carbs: 14% (15.9 g of sugar)
One thing I am amazed at is how little I'm eating on this phase while not being hungry. On my normal diet I struggle to stay under 1500 calories and still feeling satisfied. It will be interesting to see what happens on Monday.