Well the first week of this challenge has finished and there were some successes and some definite not-so-successful moments.  Overall I lost a couple pounds (mostly water weight, methinks) but have to get myself on track and really focus on the end goal!  This last week was also incidentally finals week for this school term, so I fell off the tracks a little easier than I should have...

How about them apples?  In the food department, I did good with my meal plans but not so good with sticking to them - yogurt parfait for breakfast, salad for lunch, some veggie and protein snacks, finished with faux-pasta and meatsauce for dinner.  I said [mostly] no to the barage of sweet treats in the lunch room but Wednesday hit and I got lunch (real pasta and meatsauce w/garlic bread) from the cafeteria and binged on toast for dinner; Thursday was also not so good as I was at school for 8hrs straight (only planned for a couple) and ended up getting several carb-loaded snacks from Timmy's ... this week should be better as I have a full week of normal work... I've got my meals all written out for the week, and I do honestly think I'm kicking that sweet tooth as the cravings haven't been too terribly bad at all this weekend!

Huff, puff, pass-out.  The exercise department could also have been better this week, but it was a good start!  I got in 3 days of my work-out routine in, plus a full day of walking on Friday (well ok... golfing, but still).  I didn't ride my bike in this week due to the rainy weather and need to get home quickly for studying... but the same goes as with the diet, this week will be better.

Summary of this week:

- 4.5 out of 7 days with following my diet plan... surprisingly the weekend wasn't what killed it!

- 3 out of 7 days with following the exercise plan

- sweet tooth has been reduced - opting for my little unsweetened applesauce cups actually helped me quite a bit this week when confronted with a lovely donut or that damn box of ever-present donut holes

The end of exams feels like I've already lost the 4% weight goal, so the rest of this challenge should be less stress overall and I will be able to get into the groove of a steady routine.  Here's to week 2 of Summer Body Challenge!
