Start weight: 218.2

Goal weight to win bet: 209.5

Minimum weight to lose: 8.7 lbs

Diet: I am just going to continue with sensible eating and make sure that I have reduced size portions. With the warm weather at the moment I will be filling up on lots of leafy salad - it's a good job that I like these. I've also recently got into making fruit flavoured water, I'll be writing a seperate post on this soon. 

Exercise: Lots of walking. I like to start the day with a walk but have not been free to do this for the past two weeks. It's time to get running from those zombies again! 

Personal goal: Sing! Weightloss is only part of my journey. The last 15 years have very much revolved around my children and, bit by bit, things that I do for my own personal enjoyment have slipped away. It is time to get them back! This month I shall be singing at least one song every day. 

Okay, that's my intentions stated. Let's get going.


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