Some days I just want to write posts like the "Diary of a Cat" rubber stamps I used to buy. for instance:

Diary of a Cat - Day 278 - "it's three in the morning. The Authorities have closed the door to the bedroom. I can only assume they have forgotten about me and have left me to die. As a last resport I will stand post for the rest of the night and sing the song of my people in hopes that they recsue me"

Only my diary would read..

Diary of a DietBet dieter - Day 5 - it's been 5 days, I am not starving, I am actually feeling pretty great but how many people that I work with were born in this month. Seriously, 3 co-worker birthdays in one week. I think they are starting to make celebrations up to see how strong my willpower is... 3 co-worker Birthday celebrations complete with cupcakes, cheese cake and ice cream cake, Old Lady in a Crazy Hat day (no not a real holiday), Back to School cake day (really?? they didn't do this when I was a kid, ok, maybe my parents did)... I will persever and eat my Halo Top ice cream.
