Well DIETBETTERS! AND DIETERS! I have uploaded another video! ;-) it's 5min21sec no intro or exit... just a phone upload. Yesterday I ate 1/4th of that bag of salad (half went to hubs) in the salad before dividing it into 2 portions was 1.5 cups of chopped celery and half of an onion chopped + 1/2 c salsa and probably just as much LIGHT miracle whip (ok... knowing its not great healthy but I am weak!) and I also put in 2 servings of pasta to plump it up! Later Or Earlier.... hhmmm... I had half a bag of spinach sauted with salt pepper oinion powder and 2 eggs... twice.... I am weak.... I love sauted spinach! I also had a tablespoon of chia seeds but I am guessing seeds are not the vegetables you were thinking of.. they are pre-vegetables.... anyay --> Watch my video and like it please! --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GeweD83JXQ