Emotional indulgent over eating


11/13/2017 11:53AM
Oh, I definitely know what you mean! I'm an emotional eater, too. I use food to make myself feel better or to reward myself.I've decided that I'm not going to do that anymore, though. My body is worth more to me than the treats that I use to sabotage the weight loss progress. That one little treat is going to make me feel worse in the long run. It's not worth it.Once you figure out how to get your mindset right, it makes it a lot easier. My goal was not to eat any Halloween candy. Here we are, two weeks later, and I still have not had a single piece! I've had a small dessert here and there, but no candy. I'm working hard to be consistent with my workouts, so the progress is finally starting to show.Let's do this -- we can be stronger than those treats! You've got this!

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Thanks Ashley! Mini targets would be a great psychological boost! Sounds like you've been doing a sterling job so far, I hope that I can say the same in a few weeks! X

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