I have been at goal weight before and I love it. When I am skinny, I love the way I feel when I wear tight jeans. I don't worry about showing "back fat" if I have a tshirt slip-up. I spend more time making my hair look nice, because I am not afraid of the mirror. I am more confident, more outgoing. When I am skinny, I feel like more of a flirt, I sing the latest pop songs at the top of my lungs in the car. I want to go out dancing. I smile at people more.
I know it is not about being skinny. It's about being healthy and being confident. But I can't help but crave that feeling of being super trim. Don't get me wrong, I don't venture into unhealty BMI category. I know what that threshold is, and I don't cross it. But I like my BMI low, right at 20. It's when I feel good, feel alive.
I like that the focus of the comments I see here is to be healthy, to be strong, to be good your body. And that is a message I need to hear. Because my internal message says, "be skinny."
Does anyone else feel this way?