Hi Everyone, 

It's day 9 of my Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead inspired juice cleanse (www.rebootwithjoe.com) and I think I'm getting through the "healing crisis". I have more energy today, only had about 15 minutes of allergy symptoms (ITCHY...), a bit of a stomach ache, and some tiredness. 

I'm not sure what pushed me through. Maybe it was just time. Alternatively, it might've been deciding to exercise. Some of the "healing crisis" forums I was looking at said sweating out toxins can make you heal faster. So, I did some extremely gentle yoga and then downloaded the Zombies, Run! app and went for a 30 minute run. And, no feeling super terrible today (although I guess I still have a few hours before bed). 

Two other thoughts before I go: 

1) The Zombies, Run! app gave me the most fun I've had running in a REALLY long time. It was really motivating - funny, and, the storyline got me embarrasingly emotionally invested in it. 

2) For anyone thinking of juicing out there, please don't be scared by my "healing crisis" or whatever it was. From my reading online, it seems like mine was pretty unusual - like most people don't have a healing crisis at all, have it for a shorter time, and/or have it at a lower intensity. The last time I did a juice cleanse I did have a really rough 36 hours, but that was it. I think what's gotten to me this time is that I'm studying abroad in China (and on my last one had just come home from studying abroad), and that I might've ingested/breathed in a lot of pollutants that my body isn't familiar with/just hates.

One thing I would recommend though would be "easing into" the juice cleanse - the rebootwithjoe.com website talks all about this, and it's something I've been bad about on both my cleanses. Basically, "easing in" consists of cleaning up your diet before you start the cleanse - so you don't have as much to detox. Anyway, if I ever do a cleanse again, I'll DEFINITELY ease in. 

Hope things are going well with all of you, 
