Did this add the picture to the feed? that was the point. How do I put a picture in a blog, if that didn't work? We'll see. 

Zwow #55 Finished 1 rep of the 4 exercises, and 10 plank pull and burpee pushups with 10 goblet squats. Zuzka did a little over 2 full rounds. -Goal.

Start Weight: 140.2

Today's Weight: 138.6

(assume I lost water weight day 2) 

% body fat: 22%     Goal 18.5%


Goal: Tone Tone Tone. Abs. shoulders and arms. Calves and Quads.

Hence: my goal is really to weigh 140 lean mass. 


Day Goals:

drink 8 glasses of water

Eat Lunch (sometimes its skipped because lunch is like 3pm)

Apply to 4 jobs I have in my save list and update my Resume


Talk to a stranger.