Last night I prepared my meal plan for this week according to Joanna's recipes and what I've got at home. I also added all recipes (and typed in a lot of nutritional values :D) to my loseit app to help me track my cals and of course for more convenience later ^^. It all took me so long (~ 5 hrs!!) I didn't manage to start preparing my meals for today >.
1 pm
Soooo, this morning I had Joanna's super yummy pre-workout smoothie and exercised for 45 mins :). I will be sticking to my Nike training club workouts for more convenience though, since it's so easy to workout using the app and I'm already familiar with most drills there.
Will hit the shower now, have my daily dose of green smoothie afterwards, and then go to start my new part-time job at the local vegan café, where I will learn to prepare their healthy, green-clean (aka organic whole food) dishes today before I will be left to rule the café all by myself on Wednesday as the new employee :D.
5:40 pm
Our work schedule got changed, so I'll head in tomorrow instead. I used the spare time to make a tray of banana muffins and also prepared soy-free vegan yogurt (since I'm allergic to soy yogurt). Hope I'll be able to use my home-made coconut and almond yogurt for Joanna's Dreamy Oats recipe and the Creamy Quinoa Salad by tomorrow.
Now I'm off preparing the pumpkin soup for today's and tomorrow's dinner.
So far, I've spent most of today with this challenge - working out, preparing food, checking dietbet... I definitely need more routine or I won't get anything else done XD...