I just signed up for the Shaun T dietbet challenge. Time to put my money where my mouth is I guess. When I was turning 30 (this past Jan. 4th) I was having a bit of a hard time with that number/age for some reason. I decided not to let the year/age get to me and to do something big and for myself.
I embarked on a 52 week/1 year journey. To lose 52 lbs.
As the year is starting to wind down, I find myself struggling with the last 10 pounds of this goal. I have 12 more Saturday weigh-in left. Been following Shaun T for months now and I saw his dietbet challenge. I sat there for 3 days or so just staring at it. 4% in 4 weeks is a lot for me, aspecially at this stage of my journey and with the plateau I am on.
Enter the dietbet 4 -
Shaun T’s You-Can-Do-It Weight Loss Challenge
Not sure how I'll do, but I am going to give it my all. Unoffically I already calculated what I need to do to "win" this thing. I need to lose about 6 lbs over the course of the 4 weeks. Thats about 1.5 pounds per week and a bit more than the 1 pound per week that has been my goal all this year.... Go big or go home right?