I gained 50+ pounds in less than a year after complications from a surgery caused me severe depression, even suicidal thoughts. I tried to eat my way to happiness after the surgery and opportunities I had lost that year when I was 35 years old, but all it did was add to my depression and make it incredibly hard to lose the weight.
I was in great shape my whole life, but at age 35 I went into a downward spiral and here I am today at age 40 finally trying to regain control of my life. It's not just weight and physical apperances, but a lot of emotional damage that I still struggle with that is definately at the root of my bad choices both with food and in relationships.
I tried a daily blog when I first signed up with DietBet but erased all the info because I was worried about all my personal info and photos being out there for the world to see, so I'm glad Dietbet has added this as another way for us to open up and share and reflect.
Best wishes to everyone and here's to kicking A** and taking names in our journey to lose weight and be healthier, happier people!!