Read an article today by diet bet, I am so glad I am apart of this community. It has helped me stay on track. On a 2nd note I have been running a mile every other day to get into running so i am prepared for my races coming up next month. I finally also decided to go back to my dr today and request for him to allow me to see a neurologist and he finally finally finally said yes! This makes me happy but at the same time I heard today that my insurace will be changing at the begining of the year which probably means 1/2 of the testing I get done will probably not be covered causing me to not beable to do it. Ugh.Its been 2 years I have been in chronic pain and i have finally convinced my dr to send me in to a neuro and now i have to worry about insurance :/. Guess all i can do is try to get in as many appts as I can in the next 2 months. 


Yesterday i saw my personal trainer and I confessed to him that I had cheesecake over the weekend, as my stress level has been over the roof with work and home . He got mad at me , mad i havent seen from him since ive started training with him because I ate it. So yesterday he made me kick my own ass at the gym I was tired and shaky after the 1/2 hour and he was still upset with me. He doesnt want me to eat any junk food at all for 12 weeks but its not possible in my family. I have kids and a boyfriend that can eat and not gain a pound, I am the only one on a restrictive diet and I am sure there are other diet  betters out there that have this same problem. I refuse to make something different than everyone else, i dont have the time or the money to do so. My schedule is so packed from 5am to the time we get home 5-5:30 I am exhasted and just want to relax but I am unable to do so until I put my son to bed at 7:30 by that point I only have 2 hoursuntil I put myself to bed. On another note I lost 2 lbs last week and only have 3 more left to make it to my goal. S I guess he cant be to mad at me.