I went for a walk with my dog this morning, like I do most mornings, but thought I would make a small detour so that she could play in a lake that is near my home. That little detour turned into an almost 5 mile walk in humid 80 degree weather because I still don't know my neighborhood well enough to use short cuts. On our way home, now a good 3 miles into the walk, there are signs telling me that I need to walk another 2 miles in the opposite direction of my house because of a "closed sidewalk." I decided my dogs health was more important that following a construction sign, so we ended up walking through a major construction projet. Oops! Oh well, my dog survived and that's all I care about, but I am really sick of all the construction ruining my routine!!!
Posted on July 22, 2014
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Sign in to CommentFellow Minnesotan! Good luck with your diet and your construction walks. I think your water shut off is more annoying than my detour.
I'm also in Minnesota and had a similar problem today but I didn't have to go nearly as far as you did. Then I got home to a note on my door saying the water would be shut off for the next 4 hours, due to construction. I usually jump right in the shower after a run. Instead I stood next to the window AC unit for about 20 minutes but at least I have that. Good luck!!
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