Hi there! Love your blog post! I completely understand. You're in KC...I'm in Lawrence! Different series of life events, but all I can say is.....a heartfelt "Welcome" to the true real life world of weight management. I worked full time for WW for 10+ years (quit in 2010); I have every fitness certification on the planet and lead about 15 hours of class/week. I'm a long time member of the National Weight Control Registry....I struggle all the time with my weight. I couldn't be any healthier, considering I'm 64, etc. I completely understand your journey! I'd been successful with DietBet then decided to try to go too low...so I totally messed up. Didn't meet the 6% goals for two transformers so was disqualified from final rounds....of course gained 10 lbs after that--now back on track with this one with a final goal of 137. Really, really want Dietbet to get their maintenance game going. Thanks for posting your blog!
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