So - I had excuses for the longest time.


Pregnancy weight - well, that will come off at one point in time... (it never did)


a toddler who is so exhausing that I have to do stress eating (well, I DO stress eat but I want to stop it because it just makes me more exhausted)

no time for exercise (it is hard to fit in exercise during the week (and I used to be such an exercise junkie...) but what I can do at the very least is to tow our bike trailer every day to work and back. At the moment my husband and I share the work but now I will do it both ways.

And maybe even start to run again... that is the plan at least...)


Additionally I want to restart the 5-2 diet that I used to do for a couple of weeks. 2 starvation days a week and almost no restrictions on the other days. On the starvation days a calorie intake of at most 600kcal.


But I absolutely refuse to stay at this weight and having to throw away three quarters of my wardrobe!!!