Y'all. Losing weight is tough.
With carbo loading (increased calories), marathon recovery (decreased exercise), and a blood donation (no exercise) during this DietBet, I've had opportunities to make excuses but have managed to lose weight. I am proud of that.
With that said, it should be acknowledged that losing weight is tough.
Things keep coming up, and they're getting in the way of just running a million miles to drop my weight. Giving blood was my choice, but it's prevented me from running. Also, the recommendation to "eat a good meal" after a blood donation does NOT pair well with a 1200 calorie day.
I had a great day Monday with two runs totaling over 6 miles, and I'm hoping to run again in the morning. I am going to drop my weight and win this DietBet, but I have been surprised by how much life keeps "life-ing" me. My plans to eat right and keep exercising are being interrupted, but I refuse to make excuses.
With 13 days to go until the weigh out, I must play like a champion.
Go bears!