At my last posting, I had hit my weight goal after a trip to the bathroom and a change of clothes to mimic what I weighed in with. I was even 0.1 lbs under my goal. As a reward, I adjusted my calorie goal on MyFitnessPal to losing 1 lb a week rather than 2. That was a whole extra 260 calories per day!
On Tuesday, I put on my original weigh-in type clothes and climbed on my official weigh in scale. I was 0.3 lbs over my goal weight.
For the sake of transparency, I had just eaten a large meal (complete with full-calorie Pepsi) at Panda Express. I ate SO MUCH at Panda Express that I didn't eat dinner that night. I knew I needed to eat something before bed, so I had a bowl of Cheerios. (Cheerios and 2% milk is one of my most commonly used recipes on MyFitnessPal--230 calories for a cup of cereal and a cup of milk!)
On Wednesday, I wrecked everything and ate over 2200 calories with no exercise. RWD made a delicious lunch, but the real damage was done with dinner. He went to a dinner for medical students that I wasn't invited to, so he made it up to me by bringing a mango bubble tea and Vietnamese spring rolls. I guessed on the calories based on stuff that was already on MyFitnessPal, but based on how full I was, my guess was pretty accurate.
RWD also brewed a batch of homemade ginger ale. Even though it has fewer calories than Canada Dry, it had more calories than water, which is what I've been drinking for most of the DietBet. I've been keeping myself to one ginger ale per day (108 calories per 12 oz) which is reasonable. On Wednesday, however, I drank 32 oz of that stuff. Dang.
With eight days to go, 0.3 pounds after a big meal on Tuesday was the difference between a giant lunch and a regular one. That's easy to fix. I can't believe my behavior on Wednesday.
On Thursday, I went back to the walking group at church and finished the day with a 7 calorie deficit. That's not doing much to make up for the 874 calorie overage on Wednesday. I'm going for a little run today, and Sunday is my secret weapon: the Logjammer Half Marathon. The trick will be not eating everything in sight after my 13.1 mile journey. Then, I just have to make it to Wednesday, weigh out, and celebrate the successful finish of this beast!
It's hard to believe I let myself lose control after hitting my goal. That was the opposite of what I needed to do with over a week to go in the challenge. Fortunately, I have a plan, and I am going to get back under my goal weight. Who knows, I might even lose a little extra?
Happy weekend!