I decided to give DietBet a try 4 weeks ago with Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred Challenge.  Then I noticed another DietBet (get off your broom) happening at the same time and thought, what the heck, I'll do this one too.  I am thrilled to say that I won both of those challenges and am now signed up for 3 more.  I'm hooked!  

I took a big leap today and joined a $100 4 week DietBet that ends the 1st week of December and I signed up for The Transformer, a 6 month DietBet, that will take me right into next summer.  This program really works for me.  I wear a BodyBugg to track my overall daily caloric burn, MyFitnessPal to track what I eat each day, MapMyRun & my bluetooth HR monitor to track my heart rate and calorie burn in specific workouts and now DietBet to keep me motivated to WIN and lose!  LOVE IT!