About Me:

I am an recently married father of four plus two (blended family) and a grandfather to five (soon to be six). Over the past decade my weight has been in one pocket or another and though I had my best control over it during the latter half of 2008, I lost that control and my weight got to the highest it has ever been in my 40+ years of life. I had to do something to keep it from climbing any more. 

And, so, here I am....


Why I Want to Get in Shape: 

Have you ever been somewhere when a fat person walks into the room? Most everyone stops and stares. Some make comments to their friends. Some make a joke. Sadly, that person is immediately judged to be lazy, unintelligent, dirty, lacking self control, and disgusting. I don't want to be that person. I want to prove that room wrong. One of the lowest points in my life was the day I overheard some co-workers laughing and making fun of me because of my weight.  I had come to work on their computer and had to fake a smile while I was falling apart inside.

My Goals:

  1. I got married in December of last year (2013). I will be in much better on my one-year anniversary shape than I was when I said "I do". 
  2. I will see my grandchildren have children of their own.
  3. I hate taking medicine every day; so, I will no longer have Type-II Diabetes or high cholesterol.
  4. Some of my greatest (solo) moments were when I ran as a teen and young adult. I will accomplish my life time goal of finishing a marathon.


My Inspirations:

  • I love spending time with my amazing family and friends.
  • I want to live longer and healthier so I can spend time with them.
  • I want to show everyone that said that I would always be fat how very wrong they were.


So... what about you.  What is your story?