I have always loved food. The smell, the taste, everything about it. The word "Diet" always seemed to mean no more good food to me. I've tried the clenses in the past and hated it. A shake for breakfast, a plain turkey sandwich for lunch, and shake for dinner. Dessert was always a handful of almonds. Do that for one week then the next you drink this gross tea for every meal. Tea with the flavor of chalk and mildewy sponges. For every meal. For 1-2 weeks. How can that even be healthy? I missed food. I felt like I was starving myself. I was angry. I made it through 3 and a half days of that clense then vowed to never "diet" again. 

What I didn't realize was that there was this horrible stigma attached to the word "Diet." It has been turned into, at for me, a word that meant misery, starving, and denying myself the abilty to go out with friends for lunch. Diet doesn't have to be like that. No where near it in fact. I have been learning to make little choices to change my eating habits. Like ordering streamed veggies instead of rice or fries with a meal. Or having egg whites instead of the whole egg. You dont have to starve yourself, or drink some liquid concoction for days on end with a couple of almonds to hold you over until the bottle of "tea." 

Eating better is a choice we all have to face daily. Wether we do it or not is up to us. What I have learned is to take baby steps in changing how and what I eat. Making one simple change in food can make a big difference in becoming healthy. So next time I'll take the ceaser chicken salad instead of the chicken alfredo for my next dinner. And Ill have apples and eggs for breakfast instead of the Mc Sandwich. And the more I make these little choices the easier it is eat healthy and to "diet."