My blog is random/rambling/and journaling that I can look back on and reflect.  Small things, big things.....whatever pops into my head!

Today I walked 2 miles at a local lake.  It was beautiful, with the geese and ducks and turtles......listening to my "happy" songs on my ipod.....Awesome!  And, I managed to run in Publix and out without seeing anyone I know - I was NOT looking too fine, that's for sure!  I have discovered NAKED shakes.......trying to do mostly juices for a few days.  I'm gonna listed to my stomach and body, and eat when I feel hungry.  Excited, bc my 9 yr old boy (an awfully picky eater) drank a Berry Naked shake, with protein and all the goodies.  His body is probably freaking out with all the healthy goodness that normally IS NOT (unfortunately) put in his body.  Baby steps.........

I made a successful coupon run to Publix yesterday, saving $61.00.  I love couponing, but it takes time, and I am slow........ I def. won't be featured on EXTREME COUPONING, but I really enjoy doing what I can.

Life is good!   

“If food is your best friend, it’s also your worst enemy.” ~Edward “Grandpa” Jones