Interested in friending for support and accountability?


11/11/2014 11:43AM
I have added you as a friend Heather. We both have the same goal to be 125 lbs. I started almost two years ago on Jan 6, 2013 at 219.8 lbs. It's a constant battle. I don't have an instagram but I run a Facebook group for all Diet Betters. Would love have you join so we can offer mutual support

Diet Better - "We're Losing It"


I've done and won 54 Diet Bets and also hosted 14 games. It keeps me going and super accountable. I have a new game which starts on Dec. 1.

It will be my first time ever Diet Betting during the holidays, but I am so tired of gaining during the month of December. Here's the link to check out.

Games played


Weight lost

-24.8 lbs



Ready To Try Something New?
Have Fun. Lose Weight. Win Money.