When Paul and I met, I was that girl who ran 10k every other day, worked out 6 days a week and ate a fully unprocessed diet. I didn't drink, I never ate junk or fast food and I never felt like I was missing out. Paul on the other hand loved junk food, chocolate was his bestie. Like many people falling in love, I fell into his habits. On top of that, I tore a tendon in my ankle and my workouts went from heavy to nothing for a 6 month healing period.
My body changed. My mental state changed.
Last year ear I started trying to get it back and as of November last year I successfully lost 30 pounds and introduced my body back into intense fitness. I can easily run 5ks now (I'm not back at an easy 10 yet) and I lift weights regularly.
But i still have 20 pounds to go to be back at my pre-Paul size and I want to hit that goal for our wedding. I want the confidence that comes alongside fitness and a fitter body. I want to look at my wedding pictures and not see a fat girl, just a happy one.
Time for phase 2 of getting back my body! :)