Hobo Band 6. up

CHUD Hombre

11/18/2014 8:24AM
You should never eat less than 1200 calories a day. In fact, if you are exercising as well, you need to eat more calories. How did you come up with 1000 to 1200 calories as your daily requirement?

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CHUD Hombre

900 calories just sounds so unhealthy to me but if it works for them, I'm not going to knock it.

Anyway, not sure you can really make fruit free as they can pack quite a calorie punch depending on how much you eat and what types of fruit you eat.

Good luck with your goals though! It's a constant work in progress figuring out what foods and exercises works best for someone.

Clothes Pony

Thank you CHUD Hombre, I really appreciate your encouragement!! Good luck with your goals too.

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