Something occured to me this morning, and I am hoping it makes sense:
While being on a plateau is a bummer, it is also proof that you can successfully maintain!
In the last 3 or 4 years, I have lost about 40 pounds. But during the last 12 months of that time, I have more or less PLATEAUED in a small range...up to 190, down to 185, up to 188, down to 183...
But what if, instead of viewing this as a plateau, I CELEBRATE it as successful maintenance?! I have successfully stayed in this weight range for a year, and here are some of the "techniques" I have employed that will serve me when I reach my NEXT "plateau" maintenance...hopefully around 165 pounds, as I want to lose 20 more!
--Weigh in regularly: when the scale is up, count cals more closely. When scale is down, enjoy the ride.
--Follow food plan and track food, but throw in a "non-plan day" every once in a while for sanity.
--STAY ACTIVE. Connect with others. Always look for ways to improve my eating and my health :)