...just let this work this time. I need something to push me and motivate me. I've gained back all of the weight I worked so hard to lose. I want these challenges to help me lose weight again. Then hopefully I will have instilled good habits that can be a truly sustainable healthy lifestyle.

I'm also starting a 14-day Sadhana starting tomorrow (new moon to full moon) where I will not watch any TV and will perform a small detox to get me back on track. My focus will be to practice self-love and self-care. Keeping my fingers crossed... that's probably not the best way to start out. Be confident, Alison. Be strong. You can do this.

You've done it before.

You always feel so much better when you eat healthy. Your clothes fit better and you have more confidence in yourself. You sleep better and are happier.

You'll do it again.

You'll do it right now.