Sometimes I set high standards for myself, especially now that I've tasted what success is like with weight loss. I've been trying to lose weight since I was born (basically) and now that I am engaged, planning a wedding, and dreading wearing white in the distantly near future I want to look the best I have ever looked! Not only that, I want to feel good. My dietbet 4's have been incredibly successful, and I am really proud of that, but once I reach my goal with a few days left in the bet, I seem to start 'self sabotaging'. I know I want to keep pushing through and losing more weight, continue hitting the gym and making smart choices, but for some reason I am sitting on the couch and doing absolutely nothing until it becomes crunch time for the next dietbet weigh in. I don't want to be a procrastinator when it comes to weight loss.
This morning I was almost 2 pounds below my target weight for my most recent dietbet, but I wanted to be even further below so I was cranky. How could I feel that way when I had just REACHED a goal?! I need to start seeing the positive instead of beating myself up. I know I am doing a great job and just need to stay patient, but I also know I could be doing much more to continue doing great things.
Just needed to put that out there :)