Another Christmas with my warriors. Hopefully we are all a bit slimmer or at least a bit wiser than last year.

Have been learning more patience with my self. This year has been a lot about healing or navigating health issues for many of us. It has not been a straight and narrow path and there has been some steep hills at times for most of us. What matter is we keep pushing forward even if it doesn't feel like we are making progress. Just like walking up a steep hill it feels like you are not getting anywhere fast but you are building strength and getting there. We can't give up on ourselves in the hard time or in the face of difficulty.  We are cultivating a stronger spirit too not just building muscles. We are going to face adversity head on warrior style.

Forgive and let go of any of this year slips. Let's move forward feeling stonger than ever. Let's have an amazing Christmas. Focus on the things that brings us true happiness.

Fitness Warriors 20