Time to crack down! I started off well, then slipped while on vacation. But there is plenty of time to pull it together and lose this weight! I don't want to be upset with myself and lose my second dietbet. I definitely need to plan out my meals and do a meal prep on Sundays for the week. If healthy food is there and ready to be eaten, there is no doubt I will eat it. I eat crappy food simply because at that moment in time it's available and I'm too lazy to make something healthy. Well no more doing that!
I also have decided that I need to go to the gym BEFORE work. Everytime I say I'll go after I never do because I'm too tired. I'm not an early riser by any means, but I found that once I get that work out in, even though it meant losing some sleep, I was energized for the rest of the day.
So here I am, setting my alarm bright and early to get an hour workout in before work!