Here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2015. I've written them down with pen and paper and am posting them here because I know that will increase my accountability and likelihood of follow through.
1. Be aware of and remember the positive.
- I will sit down each day and record one thing that made me smile.
- If that one thing includes someone else, I will tell that person the day's item, if possible.
2. Be an amazing friend.
- I will choose at least one friend each month and either do something special with/for them or give them something money can't buy. Examples - treat us both to pedicures, free babysitting, homemade spa products, make & deliver dinner, etc.
** Birthdays don't count.
3. Be more connected with and available to my husband.
- We will go out on a date night once a month.
- I will go to bed when he does at least five nights a week.
4. Be healthy.
- I will continue to eat sensibly and record what I eat in My Fitness Pal.
- I will exercise at least 175 minutes EVERY week.
5. Challenge myself.
- I will complete a 30 Day fitness challenge each month.
6. Shed the baggage.
- I will declutter my house and discard (donate, give away, sell, trash) the unneeded stuff in my house.
- I will break the house up and work on one room a month - my bedroom, kitchen/dining room, hall closet #1, hall closet #2, living room, room under the stairs, Aleighla's room, Adrian's room, laundry room, garage
7. Go to my 20th high school reunion. (I've missed all the others.)
- I will not miss my 20th high school reunion. The only acceptable reason for missing the reunion is if I end up going on the church's ASP trip instead of my husband and the reunion is scheduled at that time.