I would say the worst thing about going on a diet is having to re-create some of your favorite dishes using products that are much more healthier to eat. I love pizza so now I make cauliflour pizza toppings w/out the crust or make homemade wheat crust. 

Recently, I decided to try SHAKEOLOGY vanilla flavor. I made the shake at first just by blending it with some 2 % milk and drinking it like that. 

However, that did the body no good. :( I didn't like it at all. So my trainer suggested putting some fruits in it to make it taste edible. 

All I had was some frozen pineapples in the refrigerator. So I mixed a scoop of shakeology & some 2% milk and threw in about 15 pieces of frozen pineapple squares and turned the blender on to high speed buttons. I'm not a blending expert. I did a little bit on one speed, got bored hit the next desireable button... and bam. 

I ended up with ICE CREAM... I wanted a smoothie, but hey once I tasted the ice cream, I had no complaints.

I even shared it with my mom, who by the way loved it herself. She has no idea how much Shakeology costs but that's our little secret. 

It is a little costly, but I tried cheaper verisons of protien shakes from GNC. I would never subsitute Shakeology for anything else. There is no other subsitition. 



1 Scoop Vanilla Shakeology

half a cup of 2% milk

15 or so FROZEN pineapple squares

and blend. 


Later gators....... PIPPA